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Binocular Vision Dysfunction Treatment in Platte City

Having binocular vision means that your eyes are successfully working together to see an object as one clear image. With binocular visual dysfunction (BVD), your eyes cannot align with each other so they send separate images to the brain. Someone with BVD may be unable to easily fuse them into one clear image. 

With BVD, the eye muscles and the brain will strain to correct the misalignment. This effort to see a single, clear image often results in: 

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Seeing double
  • Neck pain
  • Reading problems
  • Difficulty with depth perception
  • Anxiety
  • Tension
  • Blurry vision
  • Imbalance

BVD affects people of all ages. It can hinder an adult’s performance at work, making reading and other vision-centered tasks, such as driving, a chore. Diagnosing and treating children with BVD early on will allow children to see and read comfortably and meet the demands of school and sports. 

Diagnosing & Treating BVD

Because someone with BVD may successfully see one image (albeit by straining), and otherwise possesses clear vision and good eye health, general practitioners, ophthalmologists  and even neurologists may be baffled as to what the eye problem is. In addition, the eyes’ misalignment often is so minimal as to go undetected.

The optometrists at Outreach Vision are experienced in diagnosing and treating patients with BVD. Vision therapy is tailored to each patient to train and develop brain-eye communication. The therapy will help your eyes move properly, stay aligned, and work as a team. The result: Your eyes will see an object as one image, providing you with clear, comfortable vision. A vision therapy regimen can run from a few weeks to several months.

As part of the treatment, Dr. Jerry Jenks may also prescribe eyeglasses with prisms. The prism glasses help the eyes and brain to create a unified image, sometimes immediately.  

Our practice serves patients from Platte City, Kansas City, Liberty, and Leavenworth, Missouri and surrounding communities.


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What Our Patients Are Saying

I can't recommend Dr. Jinks more. The prism glasses have helped my constant headaches and vertigo. They were expensive, but the results are worth the cost. The only thing I would change is adding more frame selections, but that would be difficult in such a small office.
5 days ago
- James W.
High recommend Dr. Jenks! Very thorough exam and you can tell he is passionate about his job! He also was very patient and helped me go through all of the frames to find what suited me best. My prism glasses for BVD came super quick and they have helped me with vision problems I didn’t even realize were off! I can’t recommend him and his wonderful staff enough!
2 weeks ago
- kaeli m.
I CAN SEE! The constant headache is instantly gone. I’m no longer dizzy. My head is up, instead of always looking at my feet while walking. My gait is steady. Driving is much easier, especially at night. I feel like I have my life back. Never take your vision for granted! I’m 67 and thought I was just getting old. I am undoubtedly aging, but Dr Jenks has restored my vision! I’ve struggled for years with worsening vision, constant headaches, and a low level of anxiety. I have seen doctors and specialists, and had 5 eye surgeries to correct cataracts and macular puckers. These doctors and surgeries corrected the structure of my eyes but Dr Jenks is the one who diagnosed me with binocular vision disorder and restored my vision with prisms. If you or a loved one (adults, children, traumatic brain injury, reading problems) are having visual problems, please check out Dr Jenks in Platte City, at Outreach Vision. His skill set is not easily accessible, especially in the Midwest. He wants to help as many people as possible!
2 weeks ago
- Brenda P.