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Technology – Advanced Eye Care

We use the most up-to-date technology to ensure the best eye care possible. Here are some of the different types of tests and equipment you may experience on a visit to our Practice.

Senaptec Sensory System

This is a multifaceted visual-motor Instrument with database & stroboscopic training glasses.

Computer Orthoptics VTS4

Computer based therapy for eliminating amblyopia; breaking suppressions; improving oculomotor skills; improving visual memory; improving accommodative facility; altering retinal correspondence; increasing fusional ranges; and/or treating strabismus.


Objectively trains awareness and focus using 3D multiple object tracking and speed adjustment technologies.

The Neurolens Measurement Device, Gen 2 (NMD2)

The NMD2 is an objective, accurate and repeatable way to measure eye alignment. The cutting-edge eye tracking system allows the NMD2 to identify eye misalignment as small as 0.1 Prism Diopters, acquiring over 10,000 data points per patient.


The AdaptDx Pro® is a simple, fully automated dark adaptometer. It measures dark adaptation speed, which can be used to identify age-related macular degeneration (AMD) with 90% sensitivity.